
Red team adversary simulation aims to evaluate your detect-and-response capabilities should a threat actor breach your network.

Have you verified whether you can detect and respond if a threat actor would breach your network? We perform adversary simulation (red or purple team) to help you answer that question.

Our expert consultants simulate attacks using the same tools and techniques a predefined threat actor would use to help you prepare your organization against a real attack.


Adversary simulation, also known as adversary emulation or red teaming, aims to evaluate the detect and response quality of your defenders or blue team (usually a Security Operation Center, SOC). It differs strongly from a traditional penetration test in the sense that the goal isn't to find vulnerabilities, it's to simulate a predefined threat actor to evaluate if your blue team is able to detect and respond to a real threat.

We offer adversary simulation both through red and purple teaming engagements. Red teaming doesn't involve any direct contact between the red (attackers, Assured) and the blue (defenders, you) team. The red team will simulate the exact tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) a threat actor would use to find out if your organization is prepared for an attack from a real threat. Purple teaming involves direct communication between the red and the blue team to efficiently test and implement detection for specific TTPs.

Threat actors evolve, and so do their TTPs. It's crucial to test your detection and response capabilities continously to meet the always changing threat landscape.

You will receive a written report detailing all findings related to your detection implementation together with suggestions for improvement, as well as a list of vulnerabilities identified during the simulation. The report will be used by your blue team as a support guide to implement new detection mechanisms.


Get in touch to inquire about adversary simulation with our experienced team.